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tv   New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar  CNN  May 3, 2021 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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stop it. mplus, president biden is more progressive than he promised to be. >> the gop is arizona is still fighting last year's election results. we'll talk to a republican that wants to put a stop to that right now. there is new reporting on migrant families separated at the southern u.s. border. the family reunion set to take place this week. good morning to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. it is monday, may 3rd. if you're a republican in a leadership position and want to keep your job, it seems that the chief requirement is to buy into the election lie. this morning the senior house republican tells cnn that liz cheney could be in very big trouble and could be ousted from
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her leadership role by the end of the month. she voted to impeach trump. she criticized senators who promoted the big election lie. she also committed this apparently unforgivable political sin of greeting president biden in the house chamber last week. and when asked about her future in the gop, minority leader kevin mccarthy provided little job security. >> is cheney still a good fit for your leadership team do you believe? >> that's a question for the conference. now mitt romney gets the trump effect. the former gop presidential nominee narrowly avoiding a vote this weekend. listen to the reception he got in his home state from his own party. >> you know me as a person. i say what i think. i don't hide the fact that i wasn't a fan of our last president's character issues. and i'm also known --
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[ boos ] >> joining us now to discuss is peter wayner, he served in the reagan, george h.w. bush and george w. bush administrations. he is now a contributing writer at "the atlantic." what is the futurest republican part party that is anti-liz cheney and mitt romney? >> it's bleak in terms of morality and justice. as you said this is a party wed to a big lie. really whole series of big lies by a man who is perpetrating lies, morning, noon, and night. and so this is a party that i would say is a disease party right now. a dangerous party. people like liz cheney and mitt romney and adam kinsinger who dare to speak truth to this party and talk about the reality of things are targeted and in liz's case, she may lose her
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leadership position. so it's a very difficult situation right now for the party but one they chosen. >> it is also unestable at this point? you brought up liz cheney. we have reporting on this. there is reporting all over the plaus t place that she's on shaky ground. you heard it on the nonanswer about your future. i mean, do you think she'll be in a position of leadership by the end of the month? >> i don't know. the trajectory is pretty clear. i have friends that are republicans that thought after trump left the presidency there would be a quick snap back and the republican party would go to what it was pretrump. a normal party again. that simply wasn't going to happen. some of it existed before trump became president. he accelerated all the worst
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t tendcies and they're spreading here. the core problem here is at the base of the party has been rat callized and trumpified with very rare exceptions. the rest of the party and members of congress and leadership are going along. they know if they go cross wise donald trump, despite his massive corruptions and failures, its going to hurt them. it's going to weaken them. the base of the party won't turn out threw their hat over the wall and decided we're going to double down on trumpism rather than reach out to suburban voters that they lost during the trump presidency. this is the result of that. >> peter, chris christie was asked to grade the trump presidency and he -- let's listen -- let's first listen to his answer before we try to square it. >> overall, how do you grade trump as president? >> overall, i give the president
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an a. you know, but the fact of the matter is that there were some things that happened specifically at the end of the presidency that i think had some things that clouded his accomplishments. >> he gives him an a. fwhut is someone that firsthand understands the president's mishandling of the coronavirus pandemic. chris christie actually contracted vud from a trump white house event and was ultimately hospitalized. and he also said that trump committed impeachable offense. yet he gives him an a. >> that symbolizes what we've been talking about. chris christie in particular is a pathetic figure because you know that he knows better. i think some of the people have drunk the cool aid in the republican party. chris christie is not among them. this is just cynical. this is part of the ambition he has that's driving him because he wants to be president presumably again. look, donald trump left the
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country angrier and sicker and poorer and more divided. he committed, as christie said, impeachable offenses. he was corrupt from stem to stern. he provoked an insurrection. he advocated a coup. he rank it's not the worst president in american history in the worst two or three without question. so seeing somebody like chris christie who is not a stupid man say this gives you the indication of the diseased state of the republican party. >> peter, we always appreciate your perspective. thank you so much for being with us this morning. >> thanks for having me on. of the 17 republicans who voted to impeach president donald trump after the january 6th insurrection, all are facing
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censure. with a party seal and signatures for added effect. of the 17 that vote the against trump, states successfully censured five. as for the others, county and district affiliates are getting into the action. censuring 10 including murkowski of alaska and liz cheney of wyoming that were also censured by their states. then four escaped sin sure, mitt romney of utah. but even so, he received a very unwarm welcome this weekend from utah republican party delegates upset he voted to convict former donald trump in both of his impeachment trials. >> what do you think of president biden's first 100 days? >> there were actually cheers for romney but the boos were deafening at times. >> you know me as a person who says what he thinks and i don't hide the fact that i wasn't a
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fan of our last president's character issues. [ boo ] you may call me an old fashioned republican. i am. oh, yeah. you can boo all you want. but i've been a republican all my life. i was a republican nominee for president in 2012. >> some republicans state delegates yelled traitor and communist at romney. in the end, their attempts to censure him failed. 711-798 votes. a slim 87 vote margin on a resolution that said romney shouldn't have voted to impeach trump claiming that donald trump's 2019 call to the ukrainian president who threaten to fold up foreign aid was perfectly okay. trump, far from insighting the riot riots urged followers to make your voices heard.
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okay. >> we fight like hell and if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore. >> you know, not so long ago mitt romney was as synonymous with utah as fry sauce and shakes at icebergs. in the election, he carried the state with 73% of the vote. >> i accept your nomination for president of the united states! >> my how times have changed. this was the scene on the plane and at the airport as romney made his way back to washington for the certification of the electoral college results. >> traitor!
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traitor! traitor! >> you're a joke. absolute joke. disgusting shame. >> republicans like mitt romney an endangered species. perhaps that's appropriate in utah where their home of the dinosaur national monument which may feature republicans that vote conscience along with others. as for the other republicans that avoided statewide gop censure, they have not been able to escape the circular firing squad. affiliates are taking them to task in the most creative of ways including a resolution passed that reads like a breakup letter telling nebraska republican senator that he is bad at his job. and there was a party thrown together in new york where congressman john cakos dishonor with 40 guests. one party vice chairman in attendance describing the event like this, "nobody defended him. nobody said anything nice about him". this was an vent to not say nice things about him. least one county censure for
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maine senator susan collins though it happens to be the maine county where she grew up. and illinois congressman adam kinsinger got three-county censures plus a letter from his family -- from his family cancelling him. then there was michigan congressman fred upton who avoided censure only to be hit by censures from three-counties. when that failed to have an impact. one of the counties censured him for a second time for his vote to strip conspiracy theory tyler-green. nothing says cancel culture like cancelling someone twice. john? >> why stop there? thanks so much. so today president biden hits the road to sthe $4 trillin agenda and conservatives are calling it socialist. but polls show that is not how voters see it. actually, that's the wrong framing here. what republicans are saying, harry joins me now, what
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republicans are saying is that joe biden campaigned as a moderate but is governing as a liberal. they're saying he sold them the bill of goods. what do voters think in terms of what they were sold here? i'm not asking first whether he is too liberal or conservative, but fwiirst, whether he is different from what he said he would be? >> let's just as the voters. is biden a liberal? moderate conservative? this is among a few voters. before the election, 54% said he was liberal. 46% said he was moderate conservative. now, 52% say he's liberal. 48% say moderate conservative. basically, the exact same figures had within the margin of error. >> he wasn't selling one thing and behaving another way in the way that voters see it. in terms of whether they like it, you have something else? >> so let's look at this a different frame. biden's views on most issues, this is an abc news/"washington post" poll. are they just about right?
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too liberal? too conserve tough? in august of 2020, 47% said just about right. now -- look at that. 48%. basically, the exact same figures. the rest of these are within the margin of error. if you want to make a slight argument that the too liberal figure went to 46%. but that season with the margin of error. so basically voters believe the exact same numbers of americans believe that biden's views on the issues are just about right from august of 2020 during the heart of the campaign to right now. >> and again, i think what is important about this is we're not looking at the equally take theive issue of whether the positions he is taking are too liberal an cone servetive. it's whether or not he is behaving in a way he different pained on. >> right. so this -- let's put aside the voters for a second, right? let's just look at what he's been doing. so this website on the issues basically rates the different candidates, different politicians, their issue statements. i basically converted those scores that they give to a zero,
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most conservative to, 100 most liberal scale. biden now, 81. so he's closer to the liberal side. he is somewhat liberal. people can disagree on. that i call it liberal. 81 now. where was he in november of 2020? that same exact 81. he was somewhat liberal then. he is somewhat liberal now. he's basically doing what he said he was going to do if you just look at these statement issues that he has made. >> the dennis green here. >> yes. he is who he said he was. and the american voters like it. they're not letting him off the hook. all right. now in terms of attributes, you see a little bit about why some of the voters might be giving him the benefit of the doubt on things. >> sure. so i think this just sort of puts it all together. right? these are presidential attributes. this is our cnn poll. right around 100 days released a poll last week. look at this. on honest or trustworthy, 54% say biden is. keeping his campaign promises, again, is he who he says he is? 59% of americans say yes.
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those are very different figures from the last president of the united states who just 37% said was honest and trustworthy. a little better on this score right here, 48%. said that he was keeping his campaign promises. but overall, the american voters, i don't know why it keeps doing that. >> your body heat. >> i'm radiating heat off it. basically voters think that biden is who he says he was. >> again. the issue, if you want to argue too liberal or conservative, go ahechltd the idea he was a trojan horse of some kind, the voters say no. >> and the polls agree. >> thank you very much, harry. republicans have been going after president biden. but it does seem that they're having haired time figuring out how they want to do it. one republican senator admitting they need to get better at it. >> never has negative partisanship seemed to desperate and flailing. the attacks on president biden feel like spaghetti being thrown at a wall. but nothing seems to stick to
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the great frustration of republicans. get this. in the last week, we've seen retracted right-wing fanned czys about biden banning burgers. the vp book being shipped to the boreder in welcome kits. then there is dandelion gate, a afrmgor tried to make biden giving a flower to the first lady bizarre and claiming that biden is being covered like jesus in aviator glasses. will all this is on the back of campaign attacks on biden as radical, see nile and the rest of it. so why isn't any of this stuff sticking? let's look at the data. first the idea that biden somehow incompetent runs into a buzz saw when comes to the record confronting the covid-19 crisis. this is the area where biden earns the highest marks in a new poll. 66% approval. including 30% of republicans. on this front at least. he seems to be making government work again. second. look at the economy. trump loudly predicted biden would unleash a depression in
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the stock market crash. meanwhile, back in reality, the economy is booming on main street and wall street. growing at 6.4% in the first quarter of the year with hottest stock market during any first 100 days since jfk. all this translates to optimism. a stunning 64% of americans now say they're optimistic about the direction of the country. that's according to a new abc poll. that is the highest rate since 2006. this is also a case where the personal is political. even in our polarized times, 57% of americans believe biden cares about people like me. compared with just 42% that said that about trump in his 100 day mark. 54% of americans say bud iden i honest and trustworthy. all that makes it difficult to demonize biden. we look at john thune. his tone is moderate and a likeable individual. it is harder to attack somebody who is relatable and likeable.
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biden doesn't provoke the reflexive ire of hillary clinton and president obama. in large part because he's an older white guy. he's not same a symbol of cultu change. he seems comparatively reassuring not radical. almost regardless of his policies. it's not like republicans don't have something to work with here, feolks. the problem is that republicans have lost credibility on fiscal responsibility. trump ballooned the deficit by nearly $8 trillion over the eight years and they didn't say boo. bottom line. biden is popular and many policies are popular, at least right now. that's in a time when a record number of americans say that government should be doing more. so republicans are left shadow boxing with a phantom menace, trying to gin up gripes about dr. suess and coddling conspiracy theories in the place of real policy.
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it looks small while biden is going big in ways that might actually make a difference in people's lives. and that's "your reality check." >> thank you so much for that. so just ahead, mixed message onz w messages on wearing masks outdoors. and migrant families separated at the southern u.s. border under the trump administration. long awaited reunions now planned for this week. cal: our confident forever plan is possible with a cfp® professional. a cfp® professional can help you build a complete financial plan. visit to find your cfp® professional. ♪ go with simparica trio it's triple protection made simple! simparica trio is the first and only monthly chewable that covers heartworm disease, ticks and fleas, round and hookworms. dogs get triple protection in just one simparica trio! this drug class has been associated with neurologic
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good news own coronavirus. the number of new cases in the u.s. on a downward trend. much that's the seven day moving average. the death rate at its lowest point since last october. six states reporting an uptick in cases. the states there in green going out. despite this there is confusion around mask use ang outdoors and some of it may be because of mixed messaging from the white house. joining us now, dean of brown university's school of public health. when i talk about that mixed messaging. let me play this moment from president biden at raily on friday. watch. president biden at a rally on friday. watch. ♪ >> looking for my mask. i'm in trouble. >> so he says he's looking for his mask, he's in trouble. the cdc just said if you're fully vaccinated and outdoors,
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you don't need to wear a mask. now i know it's a small thing. but does that send a confusing message? >> yes. first, good morning. thanks for having me on. first of all, i would say that i have appreciated the president wearing a mask for the first 100 days. modelling good behavior is really, really important. and we need our leaders to do it. at this point, at outdoor things, the president can lose his mask. and people may be a bit confused about this. i would prefer that now outdoors with the cdc guidance the president's model the cdc guidance. but my suspect is that he'll do that in the weeks ahead. >> yeah, clearly people are struggling, i think, to make this adjustment, having spent so long wearing masks. and, look, some people are vaccinated. they're not fully vaccinated. so we're seeing all of this shifting. i want to ask you about something happening a few miles way from new brookline, mass as well as in salem, mass.
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this returns counter to the cdc. is this also, i guess first off, should they be doing this? and does this just create confusion? >> yeah. i think the science on this is pretty clear and the cdc guidance is right. obviously, localities have the right to do these kinds of things. i think it's unfortunate. the reason it's unfortunate is that there are things we want people to do that are going to be cumbersome. they're the right things to do from a public health perspective. part of the deal we should be cutting with the american people is when there are restrictions that are not necessary, we should lift them. and only focus on things that really matter for keeping people safe and healthy. i don't think outdoor mask mandates make any sense. outside of large crowds where it may be important. i don't think they make any sense. i wish they would follow the cdc guidelines. >> my mom is a graduate of brookline high. there was an article in "the new
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york times" suggesting quotes from leading scientists. maybe we won't get to herd immunity. on a, do you think that's true. b, does it matter if enough of us get vaccinated. yeah, we don't know. we're making a big deal about the fact that there was a chunk of people that haven't gotten vaccinated yet. they need better access and i remain pretty remain optimistic. if we don't hit herd immunity, that would be unfortunate. you don't have to have any restrictions at all. that said, the experience is that once you get to about 50, 55% of the population vaccinated which a few states have now hit in the united states, you really see case numbers plummet. so we may not get to zero.
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we probably won't. but it we can get infections under -- you know, very low levels, most of us can get back to our lives in normal ways, i think we can probably live with that. >> there's something that is also a little confusing and that is schools reopening. because you have some schools that have reopened as the president promised by his 100 day in office. and there are some that are still virtual. how now that the president has announced that all schools will reopen by the fall, how will he convince parents in these hard hit communities that, yeah, it's okay. can you send your children to school safely. i think the issue about building confidence. we can open schools safely in a way keeps teachers and staff safe. i think the issue is about vak s sinations will help a lot. i think infection numbers will help a lot. and i think helping people get
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comfortable with schools and ventilation et cetera will be a campaign. it will be based on science and evidence and i think once people feel more comfortable to get kids back. >> thank you so much. we're at this time where we need things sorted out. you're great to be on today. >> thank you. up next, republicans who are bucking his own party and calling for arizona's audit of the 2020 election to end. and the border wall that never was. see what is left now that the work has stopped. new cetaphil deep hydration facial collection... delivers lasting 48-hour hydration. hyaluronic acid plus exclusive hydrosensitiv complex... ...replenish & soothe skin. cetaphil. dermatologist recommended. complete hydration for your sensitive skin. when you have metastatic breast cancer, what does it mean to be a thriver? it means we grab a hold of what matters most. we sweat the details. ask for what we want. get what we need. and we need more time.
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arizona's republican controlled audit of nearly 2.1 million votes in the 2020 election is now entering the third week with no definitive end in sight. some republicans worry that ballot recount based on the false claim of widespread voter fraud in that state could do the party more harm than good. in an op-ed for "the washington post," and we'll have increase fairness of the elections. this arizona audit not turning
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out. >> thank you so much for being with us. >> i think it's important that people who understand this situation that people out and point out that this audit is counterproductive. that it's not following established standards. it was never necessary in the first place. arizona elections are incredibly professionally run. and transparent and can be observed by credentials party representationives from all sides. open to the press. after all that safeguards and the county board of supervisors which is 4-1 to republican performed, we have the state senate led by a small group of members and aided by other state senators who really know better, right? who really know that no good end is going to come out of this
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running a close to the public and people are looking at ballots. they've been restricted at various points. members of the president kicked out and confronted by people carrying guns. it's really unclear why this is happening and what possible good can come of it. >> it's a mess. >> i think people -- yes, it's a mess. it's important that people -- if you're looking for a logical answer. how can they a result more accurate and those by professionals and all parties following established rules. if you're a republican that sports this audit, ask yourselves this. if the democrats lost, how would you feel if this was their response? >> yeah, they would not counter
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it. if if you look at the complaints from philadelphia, the pennsylvania election that observers weren't getting a meaningful chance to observe what was happening, how much more so is that true in this coliseum where this audit is taking place and members of the public are shutout. and party line vote. it's being run by republicans. and members of the press are being told they can't take notes. they can't take photographs. they're being removed from the premises. they're banned. they're given inconsistent statements on what the policies are. the fact that cyber ninjas, the group with no election experience in charge of conducting this show had been taken to court just to provide the guidelines and if you look at the guide thanz that the arizona officials follow, they're bipartisan, they're agreed on. they're long established and safeguards to ensure accurate and complete count.
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>> i have to go. very quickly. the it pact long term. >> everything like this causes damage to our democracy. it's so important, so critical to our form of government that we accept election results whether they go our way or don't. so if it this comes out and they can't find any evidence of proud, they're tl are going to be people disappointed and won't be satisfied until they get the answer they want about the 2020 election. or they're going to come up with allegation of fraud. you know, there is a treasure hunter associated with this effort who says he can shine a light or shine some device on a ballot and tell if there is voter fraud. i would expect some unsupported allegations of fraud that never happened to be the conclusion of this audit. and so nothing good is going to come out of it in many either event. >> we appreciate you joining us. thank you. thanks for having me. up next, new reporting on the biden administration's plans this week to reunite migrant
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families separated at the border. and cnn is on the scene to show what was supposed to be trump's border wall. what happens when we welcome change? we can make emergency medicine possible at 40,000 feet. instead of burning our past for pow, we can harness the energy of the tiny electron
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new this morning, four migrant families separated at the southern border nunder the trump administration are set to be reunited this week. a mother from honduras separated from her husband and a mother from mexico separateded from her son. these are the first reunifications as part of president biden's dhs task force. >> the defense department and contracts for border wall construction on the u.s.-mexico border that use funds originally intended for military missions. it kamz after the trump administration dipped into pentagon funds to build the wall. we're in dallas with more how things. >> fly straight east out of air
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and you'll pass miles of rolling border wall built during the president george w. buescher are a. then it reveals a construction zone frozen in time. steel border wall ballards left in stacks. they're on staging grounds. just weeks before president biden was inaugurated and pushed build a four mule stretch of new border wall near the mountains. this is a construction wall and what you see is this carved out path sitting next to the pristine -- so this trench this is the footer where they hope to put the ballards. >> eight to ten feet deep. >> they stopped mid trench. >> they're in the remote areas of arizona.
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>> it's a bizarre scene. we have this huge amount of devastation and swath of land that is blasted open. and nobody knows what's going to happen next. >> we revisited a number of the border wall construction sites we reported on in the last year. and this is what we found. dozens of sites along border turned from bustling construction zones to ghost like scenes. >> vowing not to build another mile of wall, president biden stopped construction after taking office about 200 miles of border wall that was being constructed now sit in limbo and funding is approved for about another 75 miles. the biden administration says it's reviewing the construction projects. >> i'm taking you to the border fence. it's up road. he takes us to what is supposed to be a two mile stretch of border wall.
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this was started tend of the trump administration. >> it replaced a iron fence. it's a few miles away from the rio grande. it's foolish to leave the project as it is. >> construction equipment is still on site. the sheriff might describe this little section of trump wall as overkill but he doesn't want to see it band ond either. >> there are also environmental concerns. at the end of the trump era, crews were blasting into the canyon in southeast arizona. when the biden administration took over, construction stopped. but before leaving construction crews used the remnants of old steel border barriers to block access to the new wall. just a few months ago all you could hear out here was the sounds of heavy machinery, construction crews and explosive detonations blasting into the mountains. now it is quiet.
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this man wants to see construction money diverted to restoring the wilderness. the. >> it is enraging. frankly, i'm so tired of watching these beautiful landscapes pay the price of politics. of really poor decision making. >> for anti-border wall activists, the damage is done and the question becomes how do you repair a mountain landscape that now looks like this? >> and this fight is far from over. the federal government now needs to negotiate the cancellation of the contracts and it's not all of the border wall contracts. there are still others that are being funded through other means and the pools of money the trump administration was dipping into to pay for the expansion of that border wall construction and in recent weeks there have been notice that's have gone out to land owners in it texas from the federal government. saying the land was going to be taken over for border wall construction. this is an issue that is not going away just yet.
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>> all right. ed, incredible reporting. i think sometimes this is an area that might live in folks imaginations and you really took us there. it's just great to see you. thank you so much, ed. america's first ever black and south asian vp says she doesn't think america is a racist country. my next guest says she slipped up. [typing sounds] [music fades in] [voice of female] my husband ben and i opened ben's chili bowl the very same year that we were married. that's 1958. [voice of malele] the chili bowl really has never closed in our history. when the pandemic hit, we had to pivot. and it's been really helpful to keep people updated on google. we wouldn't be here without our wonderful customers. we're really thankful for all of them. [female voices soulfully singing “come on in”]
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first of all, no, i don't think america is a racist country, but we also do have to speak truth about the history of racism in our country and its existence today. and i applaud the president for always having the ability and the courage, frankly, to speak the truth about it. >> that is vice president kamala harris agreeing with republican senator tim scott when he said flat out last week that america is not a racist country. my next guest has something to say about that. joining me now is karen atia who
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is global opinions editor of "the washington post." karen, you wrote about this in an op-ed. what is your response to the vice president's comments? >> so kamala harris, ever since she really joined the presidential race, has obviously because of her -- both because of her experience and because of her identity as a biracial black identifying woman, she's, you know, become a symbol for so much, including for what many would think is racial progress in this country. so she's had and has to walk this tight rope on race. you saw what happened with president barack obama and often the backlash that would come when he would speak very openly about his black identity. so i think this time what was really disappointing, i think,
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to many people, to agree with tim scott and look at this country and say it's not a racist country despite the fact that we've been living, particularly for the last year, living with the realities of systemic racism beamed into our televisions, into our social media with police brutality, with the rise of an asian-american -- attacks on asian-americans. she could have really just said, look, we have to deal with the history of racism and its present existence and that would have been done, but the denialism is basically trying to say that, yeah, this country has all the hallmarks of being a racist country, it has all the symptoms, it has all the causes, it has all the history, it's literally right in our faces but it's not that. i think it has more to do with the fact that the word "racist" in and of itself defends to
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engender a lot of emotion, a lot of defensiveness. in white americans we've seen all sorts of world salad being invented to avoid the "r" word. racially tinged, racially charged, racially spiced, but ultimately at the end of the day i think that this was really an attempt to try to not alienate white voters in this big tent approach that the democrats are trying to do. >> you make a point about tim scott and essentially about kamala harris as well, which is you can listen to tim scott talk about his experiences with racism. clearly we've heard the vice president talk about her experiences as well. how then -- you basically pause it. how then do you then argue that the country is not racist? what do you think about that, them talking about their
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experiences with racism but not saying the country is racist? >> as i sort of alluded to in my piece, i think so many black people and people of color have had to -- or have to go through this every day where we both want to be able to speak about our lived experiences, want to be able to speak about what it's like to be us in this country where we do face a different america than our white colleagues and friends, and yet at the same time we're very careful to not, again, you know, incite sort of feelings about this particularly. so i think this is something that not just politicians really, but every day so many of us have to walk this tightrope in our daily lives. but the truth is, is speaking about the truth and speaking
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about not only with kamala harris, we saw it on the campaign trail. we saw the questions about her nationality, whether or not she was eligible to run, these racist birtherist attacks. we saw the deliberate mispronunciations of her name. we watched her face the racism that america has long been known for. so i think for many of us it's just -- it's just kind of exhausting to have to watch her kind of walk both sides on this. >> you talk about that exhaustion in your op-ed which i would certainly encourage people to check out. karen, thank you as always for being with us. >> thank you so much. so president biden heading to yorktown, virginia, right now where he'll focus on schools. we have a live report coming up.
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6:00 am
very good monday morning to you. i'm jim sciutto. >> and i'm poppy harlow. we're glad you're with us. this morning a clear message for republicans, stands up to former president trump at your own peril. two high-profile republicans, senator mitt romney and congresswoman liz cheney both under attack from their own party this morning. over the weekend romney narrowly escaped a censure by the utah republican party for his votes to convict in trump's impeachment trials. boos ringing out. take a listen. shouts of traitor and communist for the man who was now not that long ago the republican nomine


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